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Travel with Liz
"So much of who you are, is where
you have been." 
-William Langewiesche


Traveling has given my life meaning. 

It has broadened my perspectives and has made me the person that I am today. I can see the world now through the eyes of others and I feel confident in who I am and where I come from. 

I now value experiences over things. Rather than buying material items, I would rather save up and see places that I have never seen before. Nothing is more rewarding to me than immersing myself into a new culture and learning a new way to enjoy living.

More than all else, traveling has taught me to live in the moment. Far too often I find myself caught up in school or work- and I forget to enjoy the little things in life. Traveling is a constant reminder of all the beautiful views, people, and experiences life has to offer. 

My zest for life has come from traveling, and although I haven't been everywhere- it's on my bucket list. 

The importance of self-reflection

I've found that self-reflection is a vital component of traveling. Traveling disrupts the typical structure of our everyday lives. Planned or unplanned, traveling nudges us to step outside of the comfort we have in routine life. It presents us with opportunities to peek beyond the narrow images we hold of our world. Through reflection of the people we meet, the places we go, and the memories we create, we can better understand who we are and the true meaning of what it means to live.

Oh, the places I've gone ...


August 2013


December 2009


August 2014

Cabo, Mexico

March 2017


March 2016

Thank you!